Thinking of moving up, downsizing or getting into your first home, this is the place to start. Call me today and I provide a personalize buying process overview, in the comfort of a nearby coffee shop or your home. No obligation, and it’s never too soon to start.
I’ll cover why you need an agent on your side vs calling up the listing agent who is working for the seller. The most important thing to understand is that, as your agent, I work for you, but, I collect the fees from the seller, so unless it is a highly unusual circumstance, I am free to my buyers.
If you wonder why you don’t see a search portal here, well, I set up a custom search portal that drills into the real MLS for my clients. They get up to date information and notified of new properties hitting the market immediately vs. clunking through any of the online search portals.
I will have more videos here soon. There will be a blog for buying filled with videos and tips for home buyers. Also a dedicated video gallery for the buying process and other great information. All are being produced, meanwhile, you can download my Complete Home Buying Plan so you can see some of the 1st class service you’ll get when you have me as your broker!
Here is a handy checklist to get you started thinking about what might make for your perfect house and things to think about once we are out viewing available properties.